Il est bien des endroits, où la pleine franchise
Deviendrait ridicule, et serait peu permise;
Et, parfois, n’en déplaise à votre austère honneur,
Il est bon de cacher ce qu’on a dans le cœur.
Serait-il à propos, et de la bienséance,
De dire à mille gens tout ce que d’eux, on pense?
Et quand on a quelqu’un qu’on hait, ou qui déplaît,
Lui doit-on déclarer la chose comme elle est?
Molière, Le Misantrophe
For a theatre lover it’s needless to say that to be surrounded constantly by Molière’s spirit is a special treat.
For a dancer, training in Paris is one of the most beautiful things to do.The sound of piano music echoing through halles where all the greats have been dancing what seems only a short time ago. La salle Beethoven, difficult to conquer with it’s slippery hardwood floor, is just to fall in love with. So is the city – Parisin springtime!
A strange new thing: There is no smoking in the changing rooms. «They have», another dancer tells me in the changing room, «even started to forbid smoking to the ballet teachers during class!» I remember my (granted: not French, but Italian) ballet teacher marking the spacing in class… with cigarette packages.